Rig Veda Ganapathi Dyanam

ॐ ग॒णाना॑ं त्वा ग॒णप॑तिं हवामहॆ क॒विं क॑वि॒णामु॑प॒मश्र॑वस्तमम् ।
ज्यॆ॒ष्ठ॒राज॒ं ब्रह्म॑णां ब्रह्मनस्पत॒ आ नः॑ शृ॒ण्वन्नू॒तिभि॑ः सीद॒ साद॑नम् ॥ २.२३.१ ॥


gaNAnAM tvA gaNapatiM havAmahE kaviM kaviNAmupamashravastamam |

jyEShTharAjaM brahmaNAM brahmanaspata A naH shRuNvannUtibhiH sida sAdanam || 2.23.1 ||

We are invoking You, Who are the Adipathi of the Ganas, the Poet of the poets,
Illustrious One, the Supreme king of mantras, the Protector of the mantras.
Come and dwell in us protect us.


1. upamashravastamam – highly renowned / illustrious; brahmaNa – mantra;
brahmanaspati – The protector of mantras;
Uti – protection; sida – seated; sadanam – seat.

2. gaNAnAM tvA gaNapatiM
God is the Lord of all the ganas – the Lord of all.
(There are 19 ganas enumerated in puranas.)
Ganathipathi is Ganapati

3. kaviM kaviNAm
Of all the poets God is the greatest poet.
He gave us the vedas. He is in essence the source
of our speech!

4. brahmaNAM jyEShTharAjaM
Superior king of mantras.

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